Data Privacy Charter

At Ordevtool, we use wi-fi network experience measurements to publish independent reports and insights on the real-world wi-fi network experience of everyday users worldwide. 

We believe it is incumbent upon us to be responsible and transparent about how we collect, use, share and protect data, and we will always treat the privacy of mobile subscribers as a fundamental right.

We design our systems from the very outset to limit the collection of personal information.  The personal data we do collect helps us understand wi-fi network experience and empowers our users to make better informed decisions regarding their choice of wi-fi network provider.  Our primary business is turning our data into non-personal analyses which enables legitimate telecom industry stakeholders, typically wi-fi operators and regulators, to improve the connectivity experience end users receive. We continually work with our partners to identify ways we can support them directly to improve the experience they provide for their users.

We have worked diligently to be compliant with the strictest privacy regulations globally, such as the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) . 


How we collect data:



What data we collect:



Responsible use of the data:


Your data sharing options:

We appreciate the input of all those who contribute data, but we understand not everyone would like to do so and we provide an option to enable flexible data sharing:


For more information, read our Privacy Policy or contact us at: